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Pray For Morriston Launches

Church Secretary

Updated: Mar 25, 2021

We are very excited to launch our new initiative as a Church which will see us praying for the whole of Morriston street by street over the course of 2021. We are always keen to reach out into the community around us offering support and hope in Jesus.

What is Pray for Morriston?

As a Church we have great concern and care for our community and the people living in our local area. We believe that everyone is important and should be valued and cared for. Jesus loved so much that he came and died so we could be forgiven of everything we have ever done wrong. As christians we want to share this same love with the people we live by. Each week we will be praying for different streets in the Morriston area by name for the people who live in them. Throughout 2021 we will pray for every street in Morriston. We believe in a God who listens and answers our prayers. We hope you will join with us in praying that God works in the lives of the people of Morriston.

How Will it work?

Each week (Sunday) the website will be updated with the streets that we are due to pray for. We will be praying for these streets as a Church on Sunday at our services and at our midweek prayer meeting. We are also encouraging members and friends to pray for the streets and the residents living in them

Accompanying the prayers for the surrounding area the Church we will also be delivering postcards (when safe to do so), letting everyone in those streets know that they are being valued and prayed for. We will also be inviting people to get in touch with us at the Church if they have any specific prayer requests or needs.

Libanus is a Church committed to reaching out to those around us and using this helpful initiative we will not forget or exclude anyone from being prayed for this year. If you live in Morriston or the surrounding area please get in touch and we would love to pray for you.


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