We were delighted to welcome many people back to our first ever talk and tea event held on Thursday 16th September. Despite the long break caused by COVID-19 we are so happy to see many people gather and have someone to talk to. Talk and Tea will be held every two weeks at Centrepoint.

If you are feeling shut in or lonely after the pandemic and would appreciate making new friends, then we would encourage you to come and join us.
We have a short engaging talk followed by sandwiches, fruit, cakes and teas and coffees in a warm relaxed environment. We ask those who can to consider giving a £2 donation to help us cover the cost of running such an event.

Our first talk given at Tea and Talk focuses on making a cup of tea has been recorded and can be viewed below or on our YouTube Channel. Our next Talk and Tea event will be on Thursday 30th September at 12:30 in Centrepoint building on Market Street, we hope to see you there.